Welcome! My name is Sonya Douglass, and I am a tenured Full Professor at Teachers College, Columbia University. My research focuses on education policy, politics, and leadership; school segregation and desegregation; critical race theory in education; Black and African American education and leadership; and leadership for social justice.

At Teachers College, I currently serve as Vice Chair of the Department of Organization and Leadership and Co-Director of our Urban Education Leaders Program (UELP) - an Executive Ed.D. program for aspiring urban district-level leaders. I am also Founding Director of the Black Education Research Center (BERC), which is leading the development of New York City’s first-ever PK-12 Black studies curriculum for the students of New York City Public Schools.

While much of my career has focused on education leadership and policy in the U.S., my current work explores the problem and politics of race and educational inequality in non-U.S. contexts to include collaborations with faculty colleagues at University of KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa and thought leaders at the Lemann Center for Leadership and Equity in Education in Brazil.

You can access my bio here. Email: drsonyadouglass@gmail.com.