The Politics of Education Policy in an Era of Inequality: Possibilities for Democratic Schooling (Routledge, 2019)
Sonya Douglass Horsford, Janelle T. Scott, and Gary L. Anderson
The Politics of Education Policy in an Era of Inequality explores a new vision for leading schools grounded in culturally relevant advocacy and social justice theories. This timely volume tackles the origins and implications of growing accountability for educational leaders and reconsiders the role that educational leaders should and can play in education policy and political processes.
Learning in a Burning House: Educational Inequality, Ideology, and (Dis)Integration (Teachers College Press, 2011)
Sonya Douglass Horsford
Featuring the unique perspectives of Black school leaders, Learning in a Burning House provides a critical race analysis of how racism has undermined the integration ideal and why education reform must be grounded in a moral activist vision of education informed by racial literacy, realism, reconstruction, and reconciliation.
Intersectional Identities and Educational Leadership of Black Women in the USA (Routledge, 2014)
Sonya Douglass Horsford and Linda C. Tillman (Editors)
This edited volume examines the educational leadership of Black women in the U.S. as informed by their raced and gendered positionalities, experiences, perspectives, and the intersection of these doubly marginalized identities in school and community contexts. The chapters explores and interrogates the ways in which the Black woman’s socially constructed intersectional identity informs her leadership values, approach, and impact
Advancing Equity and Achievement in America’s Diverse Schools: Inclusive Theories, Policies, and Practices (Routledge, 2013)
Camille M. Wilson and Sonya Douglass Horsford (Editors)
Advancing Equity and Achievement in America’s Diverse Schools illustrates how educators, students, families, and community partners can work in strategic ways to build on social, cultural, and ethnic diversity to advance educational equity and achievement. Contributors consider both the diversity of U.S. youth and families and the culture of schooling in the U.S. with a focus on policy and reform agendas; student identity and agency, the experiences of educators of color, identities and agency; and effective school partnerships.
New Perspectives in Educational Leadership: Exploring Social, Political, and Community Contexts and Meaning (Peter Lang, 2010)
Sonya Douglass Horsford (Editor)
This unique blend of empirical, theoretical, and conceptual research by both established and emerging scholars in the field directly acknowledges and addresses the demands of leading increasingly diverse and complex school communities. Topics include: the social and cultural dynamics of leadership, reflective practice, politics of equity and adequacy, critical servant leadership, and the possibilities of transformative leadership within these dynamic educational contexts.